Two things I realised just now: the first being that two blog entries into this project and I’m already a week behind (last weekend was very busy…) and the second being that if I, as intended, write this on Sunday nights there is a very real risk that my blogs turn into match reports. So I’ll try to lay off the football as much as possible, but it has to be said – Tottenham won today against Portsmouth (unfair penalty, but what can you do), and against Slavia Prague on Thursday. Jippie! Ok, done now.
Since my last entry I have recovered from the Germany experience and spent an inordinate amount of time in my workplace – not necessarily working… A welcome addition to my life has been the start of the choir term which means that I get to sing once a week! Singing is good for the soul, of that I am sure. That, some yellowing leaves outside my window and the shorter days mark the relentless entry of autumn in our lives – an entry which has been somewhat delayed by the nice weather. Going from summer to autumn at some point in September always means a return to a more structured existence (none of this holiday nonsense!) and the routines of everyday life, but not, I think, in a bad way. Quite the contrary, I have always welcomed the coming of autumn as the coming of a new year, shaking off the summer lethargy and getting down to business. The crisp morning air, the university of Lund coming to life, the dazzling colours of nature in her autumn dress… a euphoria of expectations well up inside me that no new years eve has ever achieved; in January there is little to be excited about. This year, though, it has been a bit different – summer lethargy has spilled over into September, my life lacks structure on all levels and all of the sudden I find that it is October, raining and I’m in a limbo state of ‘not quite student and almost unemployed’. I shall endeavour to find structure in my writing – and hopefully the euphoria will return.
Last weekend there was the ‘Culture night’ in Lund, an annual event which, for those of you who do not know about it, is a great invention. It is basically culture. Of all kinds. In every available building. All evening. And going into all the different places is great fun in itself. We saw marimba music in the city theatre, jazz in the museum, a capella singing in the city hall, choir music in the grand hotel, more choir music in the market hall, brass band in the university park and a young band on a big stage in the main square. Lund is great – says the ex-pat living in Malmö. This weekend I was in Lund, looking after Quintus the cat in my mother’s absence. Busy days, with many friends, beers and late nights at Gloria’s – in itself a topic that could fill an entire blog… but for now I shall take my leave. It is Sunday night and in the interest of structure and autumnal bliss I have an early start tomorrow. Doing laudry.
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